martin lukac

selected projects (2008—2013)

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Unravelling- - - - - - -

January 2013,

Process of unravelling of a knitted fabric and then reusing its threads again has always been part of this technique...

Process of unravelling of a knitted fabric and then reusing its threads again has always been part of this technique due to the quality of the cotton and its ability to be reknitted. The proposed knitted wearable object will appropriate this technique in order to be able to unravel and transform itself into a physical record or trail mark.
Wearing this knitted object while walking in an urban or natural environment one will be able to let this object dissolve into the record of the movement in a real time, leaving the trace behind for someone to be found, deciphered, appropriated and eventually reused again. Using a smart materials such as fluorescent yarn or retro-reflectivity can add properties like light emitting or back reflection of the mark during the night while almost invisible during the day.
The transformation of the object through the movement raises questions about how we perceive and define our environment, how we act in it, read the “terrain”, leave the marks or traces on its surfaces or abandon objects.

tutor : Alfonso Borragán